At TJC we exist to show Jesus as incomparably glorious to Lebanon and beyond. We are ambitious and passionate about strategically taking an active role in finishing the Great Commision as we actively pursue the unreached peoples of the world by mobilizing the entire church to pray, send, go and welcome international friends among us.

Perspectives Course

Perspectives is an awe-inspiring comprehensive course that has profoundly impacted hundreds of thousands of students during the past 45+ years. From Genesis to the prophets, Jesus to the early Church, and St. Augustine to the present, students learn how God moves, how the global Church responds, and the remaining task of world evangelization. Perspectives isn’t a course solely about world missions. It’s a study program rooted in Scripture clarifying each believer’s remarkable opportunity to co-labor with God in His global purpose. 



Short Term Trips

We desire for every TJC’er to go on a short-term mission trip at some point in their lives and faithfully declare God’s glory to the nations.



Long Term Missions

Long-Term missions are the most effective way to reach the nations and unreached peoples (those with zero access to the gospel) of the world. Would you consider and explore leveraging your giftings, job, and even your retirement to see other people come to know Jesus Christ?