TJC Kids Snack Drive Benefitting Everyone's Wilson
TJC has partnered with Everyone’s Wilson, an organization focusing on bringing churches, businesses, and nonprofits around every school in Wilson County so that every student, educator and family can thrive. In 2019, a group of leaders identified four major pockets of vulnerability in our community: hunger, addiction, safety, and education. That led to the four priorities of “Everyone Fed,” “Everyone Free,” “Everyone Safe,” and “Everyone Ready.” It didn’t take long to understand that every pocket of vulnerability intersects in the public schools. So, in 2020, they launched the Ready Initiative, a school partnership effort designed to help every student in Wilson County graduate ready for a great future.
As a church body, we have an opportunity to assist teachers in making sure their students are not hungry throughout the day. Sadly, in some cases, the food these children eat at school is all the food they have in a day. So, we are asking for your help in stocking the classrooms with snacks. We will be collecting snacks in each classroom over the next two Sundays. You can bring any individually wrapped snacks. Please join us in blessing the teachers and students at Byars Dowdy Elementary!